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Welcome to Metaverse Market Analysis! Every week we bring you the latest stats and data on the overall state of the Metaverse market. This column is in partnership with the incredible team from OneLand, a financial platform for virtual lands in the Metaverse.HighlightsFTX freezes funds, then files for bankruptcy in a historic week for crypto & the future of decentralization.NFTs, including VRE, are not immune as $ETH tumbles and land caps stumble.Otherside’s results are mixed, but the highest Otherdeed sale since September stands out…The 2022 Metaverse Music Festival draws attention to Decentraland, yet makes little impact on its LANDs economy.Market Data & AnalysisIn what turned out to be a historic week for crypto, the Metaverse was not immune from the fallout from the collapse of the world’s second-largest exchange FTX. OneLand’s Metaverse Heat Index indicates weakening trade sentiment from mid-week, as news of FTX’s lightning descent into bankruptcy and total pariah cast its shadow across the world of blockchain. Metaverse Heat IndexOneLand 7-day data reveals a near 25% decrease in overall land market cap for the 10 listed projects to 863,320.78 ETH or approx. $1.055 billion. In USD terms, it represented a slashing of $347 million off land caps in a single week, as cryptocurrency and NFT markets crashed, the price of ETH sinking 22.3%. Meta Rankings (7D)Total volume was up week-on-week on the back of an uptick in trading activity of Otherdeeds (+132%) but not Decentraland (-10.3%) or The Sandbox (-12.9%), while the aggregate number of unique landholders appeared steady.The increase in 7-day volumes and sales (up 446 on the previous week) however could do nothing to rescue Otherside from recording its fourth consecutive week of falling land cap (-4.5%). The 7-day average price was up marginally to 2.16 ETH, but is still a 50+% fall from 4.46 ETH on Oct 1. Ongoing chatter about a market bottom will be part of the fabric of any bear market, but is the highest recorded sale since a 200 WETH purchase on Sep 27 a sign of things to come? Market Cap, Volume, Sales, Avg Price (7D) – by metaverseMeanwhile, over at Decentraland, the second annual Metaverse Music Festival kicked off Thursday just as the whole sickly fiasco involving FTX and SBF had quickly evolved into a soap opera and overtook Twitter.It may have crashed the party for many (and did not do much for the lands market), but for true Decentralanders, especially those with computers and internet connections powerful enough to avoid the lags, it was a welcome relief. Some impressive stage designs, beautiful metaverse architecture alongside unique wearables from the crowd all set to the musical backdrop of 180+ artists from around the world showcased the potential of virtual worlds as a place to get down and party.Inevitable criticism that the event itself did not match the surrounding hype will follow, but seriously, what’s new?Honing in across the week, a relative flurry of sales from the start of the event balanced out the meagre five from the three days preceding it, and culminated in a top sale for the month of 9.93 ETH on its final day. On a weekly basis, Decentraland fared better than most others, with scant 7-day volume (51.48 ETH) to impact it, its market cap holding steady (+0.25%), at least in ETH terms.Top Sales by Metaverse (7D) Top Sales by Metaverse (7D)Metaverse Tokens (7D) Metaverse Tokens (7D)For comprehensive market and Metaverse project data, find out more on and follow for the latest updates on Twitter.Stay up to date with the hottest metaverse news >> HereLearn more >> What is the Metaverse?Want more? Connect with NFT PlazasJoin the Weekly NewsletterJoin our DiscordFollow us on TwitterLike us on FacebookFollow us on Instagram*All investment/financial opinions expressed by NFT Plazas are from the personal research and experience of our site moderators and are intended as educational material only. Individuals are required to fully research any product prior to making any kind of investment.  Financial platform for virtual lands in the metaverse.

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