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TL;DR — Key PointsForewordIntroduction to the Crypto’s First AntivirusHow to Use the De.Fi Scanner on BNB ChainDeep diving into the tokens’ security and liquidity analysisHow to Use the De.Fi Shield on BNB ChainThe largest Web3 super app and creator of the world’s first crypto antivirus, has announced the integration of its revolutionary security solutions with BNB Chain;This collaboration brings together De.Fi’s revolutionary security solutions and BNB Chain’s cross-chain expertise to provide an enhanced layer of protection for anyone interacting with smart contracts.The Crypto Antivirus suite by De.Fi is powered by machine learning algorithms trained during two years by smart contract auditors using data from 1.15 million smart contracts and more than 12 million different issue categories.The Inventor of Crypto’s First Antivirus, De.Fi, has merged its revolutionary security solutions with the BNB Chain, the fastest growing blockchain platform for DeFi, crypto dApps, and enterprise applications that is backed by Binance Exchange. The Launch of De.Fi’s Crypto’s First Antivirus is the result of 2 years of development and comprehensive analysis of more than 12 million smart contract vulnerabilities on more than 1.15 million transactions, and is the most sophisticated and complete security tool for anyone transacting in Web3.Users have a stronger duty to self-custody their assets and guard against frauds like rug pulls, phishing attempts, and contract exploitation in the dynamic world of decentralized banking. According to De.Fi’s Rekt Database, approximately $420 million has been lost to these schemes this year alone, around $30 million of which has been lost on the BNB Chain. De.Fi’s line of products solves these issues, allowing customers to avoid more than 95% of common vulnerabilities and fostering confidence in their transactions.The novel Crypto Antivirus suite features innovative security tools, such as the De.Fi Scanner, a multi layer security solution that is capable of performing a comprehensive technical audit and liquidity analysis of any token in just a few seconds. In addition, the De.Fi Shield automatically scans the user’s wallet for high risk tokens and approvals. Shield automatically identifies all high risk tokens and smart contracts that a user has in his wallet and provides a detailed description of the potential risk. De.Fi Scanner is an easy-to-use tool designed to help users assess the security of smart contracts in the DeFi space.To use the scanner, simply enter the contract address in the search bar and wait a few minutes for the scan to complete. the scan is complete, the results will be shown in an easy-to-read, user-friendly layout, highlighting any risks associated with the smart contract. risks could range from minor issues that can be easily resolved to major security vulnerabilities that could put user funds at risk. By using the De.Fi Scanner, users can quickly and conveniently assess the safety of interacting with a smart contract, enabling them to make informed decisions and stay safe in the fast-paced and ever-changing world of DeFi.If you are a developer and want to browse the exact smart contract part which causes a certain vulnerability, you can extend the issue warning window and browse its coded part: can also browse the results of the comprehensive tokens’ distribution and liquidity analysis on the right side of the De.Fi Scanner! Shield automatically scans the user’s wallet for high risk tokens and approvals. Shield automatically identifies all high risk tokens and smart contracts that a user has in his wallet and provides a detailed description of the potential risk.Shield is capable of identifying all high risk tokens / smart contracts that user has under his wallet in just a few seconds after + and providing a detailed description to each risk:• Shield automatically scans ALL tokens (and approvals) in your wallet;• And notifies you if there are any high-risk ones!🛡️ Test the Shield Now!Never get REKT Again! now we are GIVING AWAY free copies of Security Bibles — the most comprehensive DeFi Security Guide brought to you by the De.Fi Team!

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